Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What shall I share? That all of you don't know already...

If you're interested or like it, but could be just as happy living in a regular town, having a regular job, maybe doing a little theatre, you're better off and you'll be a happier person. This is too gut-wrenching and heartbreaking.(Delta Burke)

I believe that the Game Industry has a sister named Theatre...both are about living the lifestyle.  So about the quote above, just replace theatre with any of the following:  Coding, World building, Character Building, Animation, Management, Creative Director, Animator, Artist, Producer...etc.

Hello my name is ____ and I am a Game Maker's Wife.  I want to start this blog by saying that the information shared in it is meant to encourage you, to be a light to you when the game has taken your loved one from you and you are sitting with one baby at your breast and the other one sleeping on the couch a few feet away, when for the umpteenth time your husband has said those awful words..."I have to work late to get this build out, I don't know when I'll be home."  There is light, there is hope, there is something special in being where you are, in being who you are, you my dears are Game Maker's Wives, with all the pain, loneliness, and joy ( yep there's some of that too) that comes with that title.  I believe there's a tiny part of us all that make Game Maker's Wives connected to one another...I want to offer what I can to unite us, we share such similar paths, such similar situations, I hope that this will be a place of encouragement for you, a place of support, a place of kindred spirits.

Start with some humor go to:

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